Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Favorite #11

I have been wanting a way to organize my stamp pads. They are a little pricey to buy online a wood box to store them. But then I found that a cassette tape was about the same size. So I was on a quest to find a cassette tape holder, but then are almost extinct. Who would have a cassette tape or a holder? Well my Father-in-law was awesome and made me one:
And he put a little spool on top to hold ribbon.

My scrap room is getting so organized! It is wonderful!


  1. that is awesome!!!! and it looks so professionally made! what a great father-in-law.

  2. This is fantastic! I can't believe your father in law made this, what a handy man!

    How is the new house treating you have you guys got all unpacked yet?


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