Saturday I got to visit with in-laws and go to a concert with Doni on Temple Square. Sunday was Nate's farewell talk in sacrament meeting and he did a great job, the perfect amount of humor interspersed among important thoughts and concepts. Rowdy and his family came up from Hurricane and it was great to see them.
Sunday after church there were friends that came over to Doni's to visit and wish Nate well. This is a picture of Caitlin and her beau. Cute kids.
Then Sunday evening (Mother's Day) I flew over to California to visit with Kelli, Steve, and Rebecca Joy. I had a wonderful time and great visit. Rebecca is darling (of course!) and she is a very good baby. I tried to turn her into a Texan while I was there...
We went to San Francisco one day but it was so windy we drove over to Sausilito. Never been there, so it was nice to visit. I got Kelli her birthday gift and bought Grammie & Julie's Christmas gifts. I'd like to go back again ...when I have more money!
So the party is over. Summer school is in full swing and I have to relearn how to buckle down and study. One nice thing, Matt is in this area now doing his intership for the summer with TI. We have gotten to see him twice already! Although I have attended only 5 days of summer school, we have already had one test and are 1/3 of the way done with this first semester. will go fast and I have to peddle quickly to keep up. I look forward to the 3 weeks break in August...