Steve didn't want to stay in the house sitting all weekend long, so Saturday we.... WENT TO THE BEACH!
It was such a gorgeous day to go, and at the beach, Rebecca ate rocks.

And yes, Rebecca is fully clothed at the beach. It was still a little cool in the morning, but it warmed up quick and she got down to just a diaper. There were rocks in her pants, shirt and diaper, as well as the mouth.
On Sunday, we had our friends, Whitney and Dan, over. For the afternoon Conference we had fondue!! Rebecca thought it was quite tasty.
It was cheesy fondue that we dipped ham and bread in. We also had fruit ~ HUGE grapes, mango, peach, and raspberries ~ and veggies and dip. Yum! And for you Bebe, Rebecca is wearing her Little Pumpkin shirt and the socks (though you can't see them).
Oh and Friday, we went into San Francisco in the afternoon and watched the Blue Angels who were here for Fleet Week. Sadly we didn't bring the camera, so there are no pictures of that. Rebecca would watch the planes and then she would watch all the people walking around. They were so LOUD and it didn't even seem to bother RJ for the most part.