So what's been going on with us. We've played with some playdo: below is a cake RJ and I made with playdo. My mom came: we shopped, we got pedicures, played with Rebecca and snuggled with Nina, Rebecca play

ed with my mom's iPhone daily, and did some cleaning. We loved having her here and wished she didn't have to leave so soon. However, she was needed back at home. While my mom was still here, my grandfather had a stroke, actually a showering of strokes in both sides of his brain. He passed away yesterday morning. Nina and I will be flying to Utah tomorrow to join my family for his funeral. I bought some fabric squares on sale at JoAnn's while my mom was here and have started my first quilt. It is
definitely a first and no where near good, but it has been a fun learning experience.
We also went to the farmer's marker while my mom was here. I'm sitting eating the kettle corn that we got there as we speak. Yum!