Cute pic of the girls that is too blurry for christmas cards. But they are so cute!
So I made Christmas cards, but they turned out blurry. I didn't save them at a high enough quality when I was doing it on Photoshop. Silly me. Had them printed, becuase I didn't know they were blurry. I was going to make new ones that weren't blurry, but didn't get around to it. I have baked 32 cupcakes, 18 mini muffins, some where over 5 dozen chocolate chip cookies, 2 dozen bacon wrapped dates, attended my daughter's 4 birthday party, and made her a special birthday tea lunch, and had family christmas party and a secret sister christmas party. All in the last 3 days and tomorrow I get to have a break for a least 2 to 3 days. I get to have a break during the week, not on the weekend. I have a cyst on my ovary that is being taken out tomorrow. I don't know how women in the olden days would do this. How would you know you have a cyst on your ovary if there was no ultrasound? Modern technology is amazing and knowing that my Heavenly Father is watching over me is such a blessing. Also, sometimes I make a post really long and put in some important information so that the people who actually want to take the time to read my blog find out and the ones who don't want to read it all (which is completely fine) sometimes miss it. So unless I get christmas cards done tonight (unlikely with Secret Sister Christmas Party), what should I do? Not send out Christmas cards or send out blurry ones?